The Women in NET (WiN) Initiative

Women represent a growing proportion of physicians in general - and in oncology. However, there are still disparities in career opportunities between men and women. We recognise that women are rarely seen in leadership positions, and they often do not find the necessary support to develop their academic career. We see that there is a substantial need for improvement.

We hope to provide a platform to get to know each other, to exchange experiences, and connect. We encourage you to attend regular meetings with a variety of support options.

Take the first step and join us!

Best wishes,

Marianne Pavel

ENETS Advisory Board Member

(Past Chair 2020 – 2022)

Introducing the Chairpersons

Couvelard, Anne

Anne Couvelard

Foto con bata 2020

Rocio Garcia-Carbonero


Simona Glasberg


Beata Kos-Kudła

Pavel App

Prof. Dr.
Marianne Ellen Pavel


Eva Tiensuu Janson

The First WiN Meeting in 2021

The very first and highly successful WiN meeting took place within the framework of the ENETS virtual conference in 2021. Below are just some of the questions we wanted to address and discuss:

  • What or who motivated you to establish a career in NET field?
  • What have been the most significant obstacles or challenges you have encountered as a consequence of your gender, and how did you overcome these?
  • What do you consider to be your greatest achievement?
  • How have things changed for women working in NET field during your working life?
  • What needs to change to enable more women to progress to the top of our discipline?
  • How can ENETS help?
  • Why is working in NET field different for women? Is there a gender impact on your daily NET patient care/activities?  

Support Network

The WiN group, along with ENETS, is currently exploring ways to provide:

  • Mentorship
  • Regular virtual and physical meetings
  • Project proposals, where young and seniors work together
  • Guidance and support
  • Visibility
  • Publication support
  • Preceptorships.